Summer 2 - June to July 2024
Welcome back to Nursery and the final half term of the year! I hope that you have all rested well and are ready for lots of activities over the coming weeks. This will be one of our busiest times of the year with lots of preparations for children who will be moving into Reception into September and for those children who may be leaving us to start in other schools.
We are hopeful that we will be able to hold a mini Sport's Day for Nursery later in June and I will let you know more when I receive more information. We are also planning to have a parent's 'Prayer Assembly' later this term so please look out for the dates as they come up.
What the Ladybird Heard - written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Lydia Monks
Our main book this term will be 'What the Ladybird Heard,' written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Lydia Monks. We hope that the children love this story and will learn lots about Ladybirds and other insects and animals supported by this book and others we will use throughout the term. We hope to learn about where Ladybirds come from and how they transform into Ladybirds. We also hope to support this by having some caterpillars in class for the children to see their transformation into butterflies. We hope that the topic of 'transformation' and 'change' will help the children to understand when we start to talk about their 'moving on' to Reception and the changes they will be experiencing when this happens.
For the remainder of the year we will hopefully consolidate children's counting of numbers 1-5+ (and recognising the numerals) along with 2D shapes and pattern. We will use our topics this term to support the children in recognising shapes and patterns when we're taking part in activities inside and outside of nursery.
Topic - Insects and Summer
For this part of the Summer Term we are going to be out and about looking for 'creepy crawlies' and learning about what they do in the world around us. We hope to have some of our own caterpillars so that we can watch as they transform into beautiful butterflies and learn about how some of the other insects we find can help us too! As the weather heats up we will also talk about the changes that take place in the Summer and what happens as a result. Towards the end of the term we hope to help the children talk about the changes they will be experiencing and will spend a little more time in Reception to help the children moving up in September become more familiar with their 'new' environment.
We will look at the special season of Pentecost to start our term and then how Celebrations can be times that we share with our families and our church communities. The children will find out about different kinds of celebrations and those that take place in church (in particular weddings). They will hear some stories of Celebration from the bible and how people may wear special clothes for these happy events. We visit St Anne's Church with the children to help us develop our understanding of the Bible and Mary's role in our Faith. This will also help our children to understand what a wonderful world we live in.