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white rose education

Intent/What we aim to do through our Science Curriculum

Science in St Anne’s Catholic Primary School

Science is a significant part of human culture and represents one of the pinnacles of human thinking capacity. It provides a laboratory of common experience for development of language, logic, and problem-solving skills in the classroom.



At St Anne's, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects taught in primary schools, we give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires.

The Scientific area of learning is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world, and with developing skills associated with Science as a process of enquiry. It develops the natural curiosity of the child, encourages respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provides opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence.

Our Science teaching, in line with National Curriculum expectations and beyond, offers opportunities for children to:

  • develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics;
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of enquiries that help them to answer questions about the world around them;
  • be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.
  • develop the essential scientific enquiry skills to deepen their scientific knowledge.
  • Use a range of methods to communicate their scientific information and present it in a systematic, scientific manner.
  • Develop a respect for the materials and equipment they handle with regard to their own, and other children’s safety.
  • Develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment of scientific learning and discovery.

The National Curriculum provides the structure and skill development for the science curriculum being taught throughout the school.  Children have weekly lessons in Science throughout Key Stage 1 and 2. In Early Years, science is taught through the children learning about the world around them in their learning through play. 

Adaptations are made to Science lessons to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum and are not disadvantaged by Special Educational Needs or Disability.


Intent: Catholic Ethos, Catholic Social Teaching and Science

Our intent in the teaching of Science is deeply rooted in Catholic Social Teaching.  

We believe 

- in Stewardship: that God has entrusted us with the responsibility to look after the God-created Earth and every living thing in it.  In Science, the children learn about

            - the huge variety of plants and animals in God's creation and reflect upon the praise       due to God as a result. 

            - the many different habitats God created throughout the world

- in the dignity of the individual: that God created human in His own image.  Therefore, we should take care of our God-given bodies.

- in the dignity of work: that through fostering a love of science, we might educate the scientists of the future whose research might contribute to healing the sick and the advancement of public health.

We also communicate awe and wonder at God's creation for example when we study

- evolution and the complexity of the human body.

- materials and reflect upon the manner in which their particle structure dictates their properties and, from here, their uses.



Across St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, we are following the National Curriculum objectives for Science. We do this through the scheme ' White Rose education'. 

We cover all areas of the subject to prepare the children for further Science in Secondary school and future life. The topic areas are:

Key Stage 1:


Animals including Humans

Everyday materials

Seasonal change

Living things and their habitats


Key Stage 2:

Further plants

Animals including humans



Forces and magnets

Living things and their habitats

Animals including humans

States of matter



Properties and changes of material

Earth and space

Evolution and inheritance


Implementation/How we teach Science

Knowledge organisers

Progression Grid - Science

Knowledge Organisers AUT 1

Impact/Children's Learning

Year 4

In science, year 4 have been measuring the temperature of materials that melt. They melted chocolate in pudding cups that were in hot water. They found out that different types of chocolate melt at different temperatures and that chocolate changes from a solid to a liquid. 

Year 2

LQ: Which material has the best grip?

Today we investigated which material on the bottom of shoes provides the best grip.

LQ: Which tights are the stretchiest?

Miss Talbot needs to decide which pair of tights to wear tomorrow. She needs a pair that stretches quite a bit so they keep her legs warm. However, all her pairs of tights are quite small! Which ones will stretch the most and fit her legs the best?

As a class we investigated how stretchy Miss Talbot's tights are. We placed weights in each pair of tights and measured ho far they stretched.

Interest Zone

Websites/news about Science

April news:






Latest Science news - https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/







Read with me book - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLDbjt_FiTM

Science themed books

Living things and their habitats Archives - Bags of Booklists

Homes and Animal Habitats: Themed fiction & nonfiction children's books and  activities | Start with a Book

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