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Welcome to Year 4

Key Information

Welcome to Year 4!

We are going to be having an amazing year together and I am looking forward to teaching you all.

In the Autumn Term we are learning about the Groovy Greeks.

We are lucky to have drama this half term and a music specialist.

Below is some information for you all, as well as a link to some recommended reads for Year 4.

We have had a great start to the year!


Meet the Teacher



Curriculum Letter

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Spellings, Times table grids and Learn its will be given out every week on a Friday. 


       Recommended reads for Y4       


PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays, children may wear PE kit to school on these days.


Spellings, Times table grids and Learn its will be given out every week on a Friday. We will also add them to this webpage each week

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Year 4 Multiplication Test

Parent meeting times table check

Attached below is the Powerpoint (saved as a pdf) about the multiplication check that will take place in June. This is for parents who attended or were unable to attend to have some information, plus links to websites to support your children.

●Children can also continue to use Times Table Rockstars to help with this. https://ttrockstars.com/

MTC TestURBrainy





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Virtual science lesson with an engineer

On Thursday Year 4 took part in a national virtual science lesson Factory of the Future with an engineer Matt and his robot, hosted by Stem Learning.  As part of the lesson the children learnt about engineering, vocabulary such as automation and took parts in votes to create a 100% net zero factory (such as by using insulation). They receive an online certificate for their participation.

Monday afternoons are now PE and computing. In PE we are working on our ball skills and teacm work, using a rnage of throws and movements to pass the ball. In computing, we are looking at computational thinking, using the programme scratch to break down instructions to create a computer game. 

Ufton Court Residential

Please find attached below the Powerpoint and the kit list for Ufton Court. 

If any changes occur, I will update you.

Ufton Court Residential

Despite the rain on Wednesday, the children had a wonderful time at Ufton Court.

Below are pictures taken from the day.

First the children do photo-mapping an orienteering experience in pairs to find the clues and use mapwork to record their findings. The children could explore some distance, so difficult to photograph,

You can also see where the children had snack and where they would later be sleeping, once the tents were put up. 

Ufton Court

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