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Welcome to Y6!

Class photo

Meet the Teacher

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to speak with Miss Corrigan, we are always happy to chat at the beginning or end of the day. 


Please view our Y6 timetable here. Please note that in Autumn 1 we have PE on  Tuesdays and Fridays (swimming) but PE will return to Tuesdays and Thursdays after October half term.

Curriculum Letter

In this curriculum letter, you will find out about all of the amazing things we are learning this half term!



Homework will be sent out on a Friday and should be returned the following Friday.


In Autumn 1, we will have PE on a Tuesday and swimming on a Friday. PE lessons will return to a Tusday and Thursday after October half term.


Spellings will be given out on a Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday. There will be 10 spelling on the rule that we have learnt and 5 random spellings from the Y5/6 spelling list as all Y6 pupils must be confident with these by the end of KS2.


The statutory key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 12 May to Thursday 15 May 2025.


We will be going on a our residential on Sunday 8th December for the week! Exciting!


Eating lunch with our new Reception buddies!

Role play in Literacy based on our book 'The Arrival'

Maddi Sophie video.mp4Nikita Daisy video.mp4
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