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Year 5 2019-2020

A few handy websites and fun games...







Some creative ideas to keep everyone entertained over the school closure: 
- Miss Gould has very kindly created a page linked to St Anne's Daily Challenges. Her new dog Morty also features so please do have a look. https://wke.lt/w/s/C9-w5n

- Circus skills with Lucas Jet https://www.lucasjet.party/circus-skills-tutorials

- Super yummy Simply delicious cook along videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyu3g1IGSmMJAqGQGOJr7MA

- Free ebooks https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/books/
Free audiobooks https://stories.audible.com/start-listen
Story time with David Walliams every day at 11am   https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses-catch-up/

- Virtual tours of the Natural History Museum https://www.nhm.ac.uk/visit/virtual-museum.html

- Science activities http://www.frostscience.org/frost-sciencehome-learning-activities/

- Cartoon drawing tutorials http://www.robbiddulph.com/draw-with-rob and from a Marvel artist https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmtQsXI3211I2eumTVKh4Kg

- A range of writing competitions https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/competitions-for-children/childrens-writing-competitions/

- Film review competition - a chance to win £20 Amazon voucher https://www.intofilm.org/news-and-views/articles/review-100-competition?utm_source=Into+Film+-+Master&utm_campaign=4b9ef2d06e-home-learning-4-ah&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a1465a9b17-4b9ef2d06e-139949313 

Whilst school is closed, our learning will be done predominantly through Google Classroom. A range of a learning tasks will be set each day, including Maths, Literacy, Guided Reading, SPaG, RE. I will also be putting a range of different creative activities on there - please try as many of these as you can! 

Here are some of the things we have been doing...

My Easter diary entry as Peter 

Dear Diary,

         None in this holy world are as blessed as I. What have I done to receive this great pleasure? For I have seen the one who I deemed dead, in flesh and blood. Yes, thou are correct, I have seen the Messiah, the king of kings, Jesus Christ.

         Less than a moon ago, I was feeling depressed, convinced that I was never going to be granted the divine sight of our savior. Me and the disciples were all feeling depressed, the saviour had not given us much direction, and we were all in danger of persecution. When we had thought all hope was lost a glorious beam of light surrounded us in the locked chamber. And out of it, as blessed and glorious as ever, strode the Lord our God!

        “Greetings, old friends,” he announced. “Receive the holy spirit. If thou says that their sins are forgiven, their sins are forgiven, if thou do not say their sins are forgiven, their sins are not forgiven.”

         I felt like I had been remade, refreshed, recreated. I barely caught half of the words. I was too overcome with emotion like a vase filled to the brim with water. However, we were still determined to carry out the deed that the Lord God had commanded us to execute. But first, we had to tell Simon. He had not accompanied us to experience the impossible. Christ had come back, if only for a minute, but that minute had been worth a century.

         We were now filled with a new motive, to spread our master’s word. And this time we would be accompanied by Christ’s spirit, motivating and comforting, every step of the way.


Isabella H-V

Writing Viking Sagas

Come closer, my trusty Avengers, for I shall tell you a tale that has been told for many centuries. A tale which is part of our Viking identity. Not long after the graceful Gods of Asgard created a world as green as mother nature, ‘ a vile, evil beast’ was born. Sadly the brutal beast tormented the lands of Norway. But for many years the people prayed desperately for a guardian angel who would defeat such a hideous, horrendous, horrific and ugly beast named Thanos. I have a story to tell you about a person named Odin, the King and most  determined warrior of all lands.

As unsuspecting townspeople delighted in the fresh summer breeze and the tuneful songs of the glorious harp, the creature lurked silently in the shadows. But when there was joy and laughter, raging fire lit deep within the filthy mean monster. He had eyes that were like the burning fires of hell. Thanos’s evil would suffocate the innocent lives of the town. When he killed the precious people of the town he ripped out their hearts as if his claws were daggers. Eventually the beast crept slowly back to his lair, exhausted and pleased after his night of feasting.   

On April 7th 800BC, one noble, trusty man, who was known as the greatest Avenger of all time, named Odin, our hero, barged into action with his two sons named Thor and Loki and their amazing alliance. These powerful, armoured warriors stood with their tridents , which were once held by the glorious and most powerful gods. These tridents could blaze lazer beams like a shooting star passing the Earth's beautiful atmosphere. Odin a majestic, mighty man, was a kind hearted fighter and a guardian of the precious gods. This supreme warrior  and his band of trusty men were ready to set off on the quest to find and kill this beast. This brutal beast looked like a purple grape that was about to burst. He goes by the name Thanos, the overlord of evil.

Between the sea and the sky, the brave and spectacular warriors travelled across the colossal and filthy seas. The Tsunami of waves was hamourring on the side of the golden dragon boat. It was a dangerous and deadly journey, but the Gods were on their side making sure they reached their destination to the land of the brutal beast who was as bad as the deadly devil. After a while they had reached land. Charging into action, they saw the dead bodies scattered all over the area. Suddenly, a dangerous dragon appeared as red as the fires of hell, as if he was a devil. “Stand back everyone, let me kill this fire of hell”, bravely shouted Odin. The powerful warrior slayed the dragon, with his shiny sharp sword, that felt like the tippy top of a mountain. Immediately Odin bellowed “Duck” His band of warriors replied “Where’s the Duck?” Thanos sharply appeared  to everyone's horror and surprise. “ Those stupid warriors thought that I meant a ‘duck’ as if we were going to see a flying duck, Odin laughed hysterically. At that moment Thanos picked up Odin and tied him up. As soon as Thanos the overlord of evil fell asleep, from feeling unwell and ill. Odin slid himself out of the chains that were made of pure evil. Odin slowly crept up to the sleeping beast but then… The evil creature Thanos awoke from his deep sleep. The shape shifter, Odin’s brother Loki was disguised as Odin the King of all Kings. The brutal beast killed his only brother. Thanos was tricked, but then Odin sees thunder and wants his revenge. The Superior King stabbed Thanos quickly and fiercely in the back with the majestic Infinity blade of Asgard. This is how this horrid, horrendous and ugly beast burst in a purple grape and exploded into deep space.

James M



Mummifying Madness!

We have been learning all about the ancient Egyptian death rituals as part of our topic this term so we thought that it would be fitting to test out the mummification process ourselves! Disclaimer: No bodies were harmed during the making of these mummies. (We used a combination of salt, bicarbonate of soda, cinnamon and cloves to stuff an orange)

Trip to the cinema

As we have filled our marble jar again, we went to the cinema to celebrate! Keep it up Year 5 and there will be many more treats in store!

Year 5 and the environment

Since learning about the environment and climate change in Term 1, we have become incredibly passionate about our world. The whole-school Environment Day (11/11/19) was a fantastic opportunity for us to enjoy spending time outside, appreciating the things we often overlook. This time provided a stimulus for writing about the environment and in the afternoon, we went on to make seed bombs! Everybody loved getting stuck in and mixing the soil, clay, seeds and water. The result was lots of messy hands, big smiles and trays of seed bombs! Some children also had the opportunity to help make raised flower beds which will go on the school field.

The week was rounded off by the Year 5 assembly to the whole school and everybody did a brilliant job. Great work Year 5!


14/10/19 - We filled our marble jar!

Year 5 have done a fantastic job of settling in to the new year and have filled our marble jar. As our treat, we played games during the day and baked cookies. 


Our trip to the Wind Turbine

Today, Year 5 visited the Wind Turbine at Green Park because our topic this term is climate change. There was a talk about how the wind turbine works, how efficient it is in comparison to other types of energy and we were able to stand right underneath it! Staring up at the 120m tall structure, we were able to see the blades bend in the wind and bang on the base to learn that it is hollow.


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